Angela Donovan

Angela Donovan
Medium, Author, Spiritual Mentor, Business Mentor
Angela Donovan is a speaker and author of the highest and greatest spiritually-empowering techniques benefiting everyone towards their own super-consciousness. Whilst encountering extraordinary life experiences throughout a varied career – from catering to corporate finance – Angela’s powerful drive and burgeoning talent for mediumship ultimately compelled her to surrender corporate life and allow her to maximize her talent and follow her true life-path with ‘a view of the future’ in Business and Spiritual Mentoring, self-motivating individuals and their companies worldwide. Her ongoing success derives from her powerful dynamic energy and her gift of extraordinary spiritual vision, both of which enable her to see way beyond any ‘problem’ she is faced with. With her positive, upbeat outlook she gives inspiration and sound guidance to all who meet her, leaving everyone with at least one crucial message that will make the greatest difference to their lives.
PUBLISHED WORKS: “The Wish” Allen & Unwin 2011 “The Hidden Oracle of India” ‘O’ Books 2008 “The Secrets of Psychic Success” Ebury/Random 2007 “Contact with Other Dimensions” – memoir of a medium – Angela is also highly credited in DJ Johnnie Walker’s ‘Autobiography’, published by Michael Joseph/Penguin, and in “An English Psychic in Hollywood” by Lucinda Clare in Los Angeles, Awake & Aware Conference with Project Camelot, Malta July 2016 ‘The Power of Super-consciousness’ – 9 Steps to create super-consciousness into your daily life – the ultimate integration of your soul (higher self) into your consciousness. ‘The Wish’ Courses commenced in 2008 in UK, Europe and Switzerland. India ‘Naadi Tours’: since 2004 – Angela and Andrew take small groups from around the world to meet the Naadis to find their ancient Sanskrit palm-leaf reading on their past, present and future lives. MEDIA • For 5 years Angela was a regular columnist on ‘Asian Bride’ (published by the Asian Interactive Media Group) with an overall readership of 20 million. • ‘Eulogy News’ (IPC distribution) Angela was a regular columnist, with “The Dead Do Talk” and other articles. • ‘Guest Features Editor’ for Insight Magazine, Australia, with her articles on: “Pre-destination”, “Energy Orbs”, “In My Opinion”. • Filming with Johnnie Walker – BBC Radio 2 DJ speaking on spiritual matters: why he came back from his NDE (Near Death Experience) and his spiritual mission, ET communications, the importance of “The Wish” book. • Australia: ‘RadioOutThere’ with Barry Eaton. Talking for a two-part show on the power of “The Wish”, including a rave review from Adyar Books. • UK: Sky TV: 2-hour chat show hosted by Theo Chalmers, talking on spiritual matters, “The Wish” and current events, broadcast across the UK and Europe. • USA: 2015 & 2016 Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy • two 1-hour chat shows on Matrix News TV Network (pan-America) with Kate & Richard Mucci discussing “The Wish” in relation to current world events as well as highlighting how best to empower yourself in today’s hazardous world. TV • UK Living Channel – ‘To The Manor Bowen’ with Laurence & Jackie Llewelyn-Bowen. • USA (New York); Spiritual Mentor for pilot film series analysing and shifting people’s problems; one of 3 experts acting as adviser on paranormal series development. • NBN, Beirut – Live TV – 1-hour interview on the paranormal & future predictions. • UK Living Channel: “Jane Goldman Investigates”; Acting as adviser to the series and Mentor to Jane Goldman, talking and training her in aspects on the paranormal – 10 programmes. • BBC1, Southern Regions – ‘Inside Out’: providing formats, current affairs, insight and development. • ITV1: ‘Rude London’; talking on manners and the stress of London life, travelling on the tube in hot weather • Channel 5, ‘20/20TV’: TV Special on ‘Are You Telepathic?’ • Endemol: Director’s training film ‘Being Psychic’, filmed in Shepherds Bush. • ITV2/Freemantle, Denmark: ‘Power of The Spirits’ successfully giving evidence, clearance and healing to people and their homes/work places (3 programmes) • ITV1 & ITV2,‘The Race’: assessing the short-listed candidates for the final teams, giving character assessments. • Living Channel, UdenTV: with appearances on ‘Women’s Talk’ talking on ‘The Sixth Sense’, ‘Relationships’, ‘Breaking Up’, ‘Revenge’ and ‘Babies’ • Channel 5 & ITV: Doco ‘The Tutankhamun Deception’: acted as the medium Lord Caernarvon visits before his fateful journey. • BBC1,‘Eastenders Revealed’: talking and advising on relationships for the future of the long-running series of Eastenders. • Living Channel, Pearsons/ThamesTV: ‘Relationship SOS’ one of 3 experts helping people create positive shifts in their lives – a series of 31 shows. • Channel 4, ‘Light Lunch’: presenters Mel & Sue; inviting Yuri Geller to cook lunch. • Radio: ‘X-zone’ Radio Canada – BBCRadio Southern Counties – BBC Radio Kent: ‘Desert Island Discs’ format 1-hour show – BBC Radio 2: featured guest on ‘The Johnnie Walker Show’ – LBC: featured guest speaker on ‘The Psychic Show’ – • Press: ‘DetNye’, Norway: magazine feature article – ‘The Daily Mail’, ‘You’ Magazine, ‘The Sunday Mirror’, ‘TV Times’ – numerous write-ups in Scandinavia. Further Background: 12 years on a committee fund-raising for international Charities with the prestigious event organiser, Lady Carolyn Townshend; working with many other charities including The Samaritans, AIDS, RNIB, RNID and several animal charities.